A weekend at Whitewalls featuring the ever-popular curry night on Saturday, a good selection of interesting caving trips, two cave digs and extreme weather conditions.
Home-made curries were not the only thing producing wind on this club meet with Storm Darragh hitting in the early hours of Saturday morning leaving Whitewalls without electricity. Fortunately cavers are well used to the dark, so a full weekend of activities was still enjoyed by all.
Priory Road in Agen Allwedd was the destination of choice for a number of people on Saturday, both digging and exploring the various new connections and extensions in the area. The newly discovered Arrakis chamber was dug through to connect with Broadside and the Avalanche Aven dig also saw good progress. Elsewhere in Aggy, a surveying team headed to the BNS 62 dig in Upper Southern Stream, which was followed by a visit to North Wing and Aven Series. There was also a trip to Daren Cilau, journeying as far as the Time Machine.
Back at Whitewalls on the Saturday evening after caving a feast of different curries were cooked up (thank heavens for the Calor gas stoves!) and shared by candle light and head torches. The caving continued on Sunday with two Cnwc to Daren through-trips (one including Man in the Roof) plus a trip to Pen Eryr. More cave digging also took place, this time in Dead Dog Hole.